Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Katie Hopkins : Plague of Twitter

Not content with shaming women for their weight and making jokes about Scottish life expectancy hours after the Clutha crash, Katie Hopkins has now come out with not one but two controversial opinions this past week. Unsurprisingly the reaction to her tweets has been as positive as U2 ransacking your house and replacing your valuables with a copy of their new album and forgetting to flush the toilet.

The opinions in question are about the rapist Ched Evans and “comedian” Dapper Laughs, a duo that would resemble Ant & Dec if they had read too many LAD Bible tweets. Evans has recently been training at Sheffield United's stadium, causing Twitter to explode with anger. Pouncing on the opportunity without a second's hesitation, Hopkins opened her mouth, where common sense goes to die, and had her say on it. “He's served his time, he needs to crack on with his job. If he was a bin-men or sandwich maker you'd be OK with it” she said, forgetting to point out that bin-men and sandwich makers don't make 6 figure salaries for hitting a ball full of air into a net.

In addition to sympathising with rapists, the former Apprentice star also stood up for misogynistic character Dapper Laughs whose show On The Pull manage to not just outrage women but anyone with a brain apart from the self proclaimed “lads” of Twitter. He not only jokes about rape and sexual assault but actively promotes it in all of his tweets and vines yet Hopkins said anyone petitioning against this was “spoiling the fun”, almost as if she would call anyone who reported a robbery a buzz-killer. Daniel O'Reilly who played the character apologised over the controversy like a kid caught stealing sweets and Hopkins thinks that the backlash he received was not fair, calling him a broken man. But hey, he was wearing really tight jeans, he shouldn't have worn them if he didn't want that.

So why are we still giving people like this a platform? This year feminism has progressed by dismissing the myth that the movement is to benefit one gender over another and now more than ever girls and men proudly wear the title of being involved in it. We shouldn't allow Hopkins and others to drag us back with their backwards thinking views. Maybe if we all put on a few stones and claim benefits we could all annoy her enough to make her disappear off the face of the planet.

                                            Below are just a few of the columnist's fans 
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